Routines You Should Start Doing to Protect your Teeth and Gums

While a dazzling smile reduces wrinkles and give the impression of youth, a dark teeth and a dull smile makes one age and look older. So cut back on smoking cigarettes, and drinking coffee. These rueful acts can stain your teeth and destroy your teeth enamel.

Protect your teeth and help give them a boost with these habits.

1. Go for whole grains

Besides keeping your heart in check and preventing diabetes, increasing your whole grain consumption may keep your teeth in tip-top shape for years to come. This is because whole grains help maintain the stability of blood sugar levels. And a stabilized blood sugar level can decrease the risk of having periodontitis.
Instead of eating regular pasta or white rice, opt for their whole wheat or brown versions. This should reduce your likelihood of developing gum inflammation.

2. Increase your C intake

Since vitamin C acts as cement that holds cells together, it is, therefore, not only essential for your skin, but vital for your gum tissues, as well. So aside from your multi-vitamins, throw in a glass of orange juice on your breakfast and make it a habit each day. A glass of OJ may contain more than 80 mg of vitamin C so taking a glass of two everyday can help you stay away from gum disease.

3. Afternoon teas can do wonders

Black and green teas have antioxidant plant compounds called polyphenols, which are good for your gums. While these compounds prevent plaque from building up, reducing your chances of cavities and gum disease from erupting, tea can reduce bad breath, as well, because its compounds inhibit bacteria growth.

4. Sip sodas through a straw

It does not matter whether you are drinking regular, sugar-free, or diet versions, acidic beverages such as sodas and sports drinks can still erode your tooth enamel because they all contain acids. In order to limit the contact between your teeth and those caustic acids, stock up on straws and sip your beverage with a straw. Make sure it’s positioned toward the back of the mouth.

5. Take carbs during mealtimes

Sugary treats should not be the only ones to blame for your teeth and gum problems. A whole wheat roll can be as devastating to your mouth as a fudge brownie. Because carbohydrates break down into simple sugars, bacteria in your mouth convert them into plaque, which triggers cavities and gum disease. Carb-based foods like crackers and bread tends to get stuck under the gum lines or between teeth because of their chewy and adhesive texture.
Eating larger amount of food will make you produce more saliva, helping the food particles be washed away—so rather than having them as snacks, eat carbs at mealtimes instead.

6. Be a smarter swimmer

Overly chlorinated water can, in fact, stain and erode tooth enamel. While chlorine is used to treat pool water for bacteria, excessive use of it decreases the pH level of the pool making it dangerously acidic.
So the next time you decide to take a dip, tote a toothbrush with you and use a fluoride rinse right after an hour or more in the pool. If you’re a frequent swimmer and feel repeated tooth discomfort, you may want to check with your Scottsdale dentist to rule out any possibility of tooth or gum problem.

7. An apple a day can keep the dentist away, too

Apples, carrots, celery and other crunchy foods act like toothbrushes, and can even help scrub away stains over time.
Have an apple a day. Because of its flesh that is rich in fiber, and its mildly astringent and acidic quality, an apple makes for an ideal teeth brightener and cleanser. Brush your teeth after eating an apple between meals to wash away the acid, plaque, and sugar it may have removed from your tooth enamel. If you don’t have the chance to do so, make certain to drink water afterwards.

The Cold, Hard Truth When You Chew On Ice

Ice slivers, especially on smoldering, hot summer days, are refreshing to chew on. However, while chomping on ice is revitalizing, it practically is like swinging a wrecking ball to your teeth as well as your overall health.

Crunching ice may harm your teeth

Chewing on ice may look as innocent as drinking water, but in reality, it can wreak havoc to your precious pearly whites. Your teeth are made up of dentin and enamel which are put to a great amount of risk to wearing down when you chew on ice—worn down enamel can then cause chips and/or cracks. If this happens, the dentin gets exposed and your teeth weaken, making them prone to sensitivity.
You may suffer in gum injuries
Ice can sometimes be sharp; hence, can puncture your gums when you chew on them.

It’s a dangerous cycle

There are many reasons why people chew ice. Some individuals just prefer having something to chew on, while others might have health problems linked to this habit. Whatever the reason may be, chewing on ice is not a healthy habit to take on. Ice chewing creates a hot and cold cycle in your mouth which can cause cracks in the tooth enamel. This does not only weaken your teeth, it also poses a serious threat to fillings that you might have.

Ice chewing could be the sign of something worse

The desire to chop on ice may be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia, a serious blood disorder. The urge to constantly chew on ice may also be linked to other physical or emotional conditions like stress, nutritional deficiencies, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Furthermore, it could be a sign of the condition known as pica, where a person has the urge to eat or chew on substances with no nutritional value like rocks, clay, or paper.
So if you’re one of those individuals who can’t get enough of ice-chewing, you should consider seeing a doctor right away.

Kick the habit

Instead of crushing chunks of ice with your teeth, let it melt in your mouth. This way, you are getting refreshed and saving your teeth from a fairly detrimental practice at the same time.

Sensitive Teeth Causes & Remedies

Sensitive teeth can be the cause of various factors. Typically senstive teeth is referred to a situation where there is discomfort and pain when the teeth are exposed to temperature variations like drinking too much hot or cold beverages or food.

Why We Get Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth occurs due to the wearing away of the teeth enamel. The teeth enamel protects the dentin, which in turn protects the inner layers of the teeth. So, when the enamel on top erodes, tiny cracks or holes occur. When consuming extremely hot or cold beverages, or food for that matter, the particles seep in through the tiny cracks or vents and touch the nerves. The nerves or the nerve cells get rattled by such sensations and cause extremely painful situations. Sensitive teeth are prone to pain even at the slightest of touch.

Causes for the Enamel to Wear Away?

Age can be one of the causes for the enamel to wear away. Sometimes it also happens when the regular dental care is not taken. Often we end up using dental products without consulting the dentist. These products contain abrasives that are extremely harmful for the teeth enamel. Over a period of time and with continuous use it does more harm than any benefit at all. Brushing of teeth can also be another cause. Using tooth brush with extremely hard bristles also can damage the teeth enamel. Most people feel that brushing with hard bristles helps in cleaning teeth effectively. Most dentists feel that it does more damage to the teeth as the bristles break into the teeth enamel, causing tiny cracks and chips that are invisible to the naked eye.

Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Teeth sensitivity can be reduced by practicing good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing the teeth every day and after every major meal. If teeth sensitivity persists, it is best to consult with the dentist and get proper medication.

Ways to Relieve Teeth Sensitivity

1. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush. Hard-bristled ones will only cause more wear on the enamel. Soft-bristled brushes, on the contrary, are gentler on your gums and enamel. Additionally, make certain that you brush at least twice a day to prevent teeth sensitivity for recurring.
2. Consider wearing a mouth guard. If you usually grind and clench your teeth especially during sleep, ask your dentist in Scottsdale regarding mouth guards.
3. Use desensitizing toothpaste. It can protect the enamel, help ease tooth pain and decrease sensitivity.
4. Use fluoride rinse daily. Safeguard your dentin from getting exposed and protect your enamel from wearing away by swishing your mouth with fluoride rinse.
5. Watch your diet. Keep your acidic food and beverage intake to a minimum because they can negatively affect the enamel. Moderate your consumption of carbonated drinks, tomato-based products, wine and the likes. These substances produce harmful acids that can soften and dissolve the enamel making it vulnerable to erosion.
6. Schedule a visit to your dentist
If you have sensitive teeth, it is crucial that you pay regular visits to your dentist. He or she will be able to determine the best treatment option for you depending on the reasons for your sensitivity.

Uneven Teeth: Causes, Preventions and Treatments

Crooked, or overlapping teeth does not only affect one’s self-esteem, it also interferes with chewing, and poses great risks of tooth decay, gingivitis and cavities for those parts of your mouth that you can’t reach when brushing. And while some are hereditary because a person’s mouth is too small for his or her teeth, most causes of uneven teeth are bad habits.
Improper fit of dental restorations. This is one reason why you need to have a trusted dentist to do cosmetic treatments like fillings and crowns for you. Nobody wants their teeth to end up crooked. So if yours is a cause of improper dental restorations, then you may want to change your doctor. We have experienced cosmetic dentists in Scottsdale that may help you with any of your dental concerns.
Undue pressure on the teeth and gums. Remember those times when you’re just too lazy to use your hand or a pair of scissors to open a bag of chips? Yes, it actually affects your teeth’s alignment, making your set of teeth uneven. Open a bottle of beer with your teeth is a definite no as well.
Too small of a jaw to accommodate erupting teeth. When this is the case, it is best that you contact your cosmetic dentist to have your teeth examined and find out which dental procedure is ideal for you.
Oral health problems in children. Teeth misalignment may start as early as three years old. So if you have a baby in house prevent them from thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, and pacifying beyond the age of three. This will save you a lot in orthodontic treatments.

Dental Studio’s Treatments

We have several dental procedures that may help you straighten out your uneven and crooked teeth.
Invisalign. Our cosmetic dentists in Scottsdale offer Invisalign as an alternative method to the traditional metal braces. It is an orthodontic treatment which uses a series of clear teeth aligners that suitable for kids, teens, and adults alike.
Esthetic Rehabilitation. Do you want a renewed smile? For issues like crooked or misaligned teeth, esthetic rehabilitation is one solution for them. Call Dental Studio to set an appointment and have your teeth examined by our trusted cosmetic dentists in Scottsdale.

About The Author

Dr. Koch

Dr. Robert Koch

Dr. Robert Koch earned a Masters degree in Biomedical Science and Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from Midwestern University. Dr. Koch’s patient-first approach to dentistry is rooted in education for both himself and his patients. Staying up to date with the latest advances in dentistry allows him to offer the best treatment plans for his patients. He aims to educate and inform patients in a comforting environment that allows patients to feel confident in the decision-making process of their treatment.